5 Healthy Activities That Help Fight Bone Mets
Cancer patients who learn that their disease has spread to the bone may be tempted to give in to discouragement. However, it’s the perfect time to pluck up one’s courage and commitment. Research shows that patients themselves can take steps to help combat metastatic bone tumors (bone mets). Read http://sperlingmedicalgroup.com/2017/06/21/weight-bearing-exercise-may-reduce-bone-mets/ about an interesting study with mice in which load on bones kept tumors from growing bigger.
It’s challenging to add activities or practices to one’s daily routine, especially when advanced cancer already takes up so much life space through medical protocols, extra appointments, making up lost work time, etc. Here are 5 healthy lifestyle practices that can be added little by little to help bones fight back against bone mets.
- Weight bearing exercise demands stronger bones, making it more difficult for tumor cells to “hijack” the bone’s growth factors and nutrients. When cancer cells have to compete for resources, they are less successful. Weight bearing exercise works against the pull of gravity. Exercises such as walking, jogging, weight training, dancing, and stair climbing can be done without special trips to the gym. Start today, and gradually add time, distance and weight. NOTE: Swimming and bicycling are great aerobically, but they are not weight bearing.
- Get enough calcium. Dietary calcium is best, so make foods rich in this mineral a regular part of your diet: dairy products, sunflower seeds, broccoli, dark leafy greens (think collard greens in particular) etc. Something to think about: the body can only absorb 400-500 mg at one time. If you and your doctor agree that calcium supplementation is right for you, take smaller amounts 2-3 times per day, and check with your doctor about the right formulation.
- Vitamin D to supports the body’s ability to absorb calcium. Vitamin D3 has been shown to be more effective than D2.
- Limit alcohol use. Drinking wine, beer and spirits can contribute to bone loss.
- Quit smoking. It diminishes bone strength and can lead to more porous bones.
Bone mets patients should take heart. Early treatment of bone mets provides maximum management through combination drug treatment with chemotherapy/bisphosphonates and focal tumor destruction. Including the 5 lifestyle changes above enhances the effectiveness of these protocols.
The Sperling Medical Group offers MR-guided Focused Ultrasound (MRgFUS) for the focal destruction of bone mets regardless of the primary cancer location. Contact us to learn more.
- Bone mets