Sperling Medical Group

reading & research

Facet Pain

Landmark clinical study shows MRgFUS effective for bone mets pain.

A Landmark Study on Palliation of Bone Mets PainWhen a primary cancer such as cancer of the breast, prostate or lung spreads to the bone (bone mets), treatment strategies become complex. In today’s world of oncology, better systemic chemotherapies can add months and even years to a patient’s life; in addition, local cancer control of […] KEEP READING

Understanding cartilage increases awareness of its importance.

What You Should Know About CartilageOne of the most fascinating components of the human body is cartilage, an incredibly versatile material. Trying to describe cartilage is like the six blind men who try to figure out what an elephant is: “The elephant is like a pillar,” said the man who touched his leg. “Oh no! […] KEEP READING

Essential tremor gets worse in stressful situations.

How Stress Makes Essential Tremor WorseEssential tremor (ET) is the most common form of uncontrollable rhythmic shaking, though it is sometimes misdiagnosed as Parkinson’s disease. The involuntary trembling results from abnormal communication between certain areas of the brain (cerebellum, thalamus, and brain stem). It is estimated that 10 million Americans suffer from ET, though many […] KEEP READING

Got Lower Back Pain? Start Exercising

Lower back pain is estimated to affect 80% of adults at one time or another. Most of the time, if there has been no specific injury or trauma that caused it, it clears up within a few weeks. It may be due to sitting long hours in a poorly constructed work chair, the strain of […] CONTINUE

Facet Pain

Are Hand Tremors Embarrassing During Eating? A Device Might Help

One of the most embarrassing effects of essential tremor (ET) is the inability to control one’s hands during intentional movement. Medication to control movement only works for about half of people, and its effect can diminish over time. Daily acts that most people take for granted, like engaging a zipper or sipping coffee, become nerve-wracking […] CONTINUE

Essential Tremor

2 Proven Ways to Detect Bone Metastases Early

The most common cancers that spread (metastasize) to skeletal locations are breast, prostate and lung cancers. Today, there are new treatment protocols that can effectively manage bone metastasis, alleviate pain, and increase survival time. However, early detection is essential in order to plan an optimum course of treatment. Until the last decade, most cases of […] CONTINUE

Bone mets

Can MRgFUS Help if it’s Not Essential Tremor?

Essential tremor (ET) is the most common movement disorder. It is estimated that 10 million people in the U.S. alone live with this progressive condition. ET is 20 times more prevalent than Parkinson’s disease – another cause of tremors – yet Parkinson’s disease is in the public eye far more than ET. When a person […] CONTINUE

Essential Tremor

Patient’s ET Treatment Success Makes the News

For 79-year old Karl Weidamann, a patient suffering with essential tremor (ET), beaming sound waves into his brain produced a result that must have seemed miraculous. It stopped the dominant hand tremor that had plagued him for 15 years. Now he can once again sign his name clearly, feed himself soup without embarrassing splashes, and […] CONTINUE

Essential Tremor

6 Clues That Your Back Pain is From Facet Joint Problems

Almost everyone gets back pain at one time or another, right? You lifted that heavy bin the wrong way, your worn-out workstation chair is a nightmare, you were rear-ended, you carry chronic tension in your shoulders, you tried to return an impossible tennis serve and threw out your back…the list goes on and on. But […] CONTINUE

Facet Pain

Does Essential Tremor Have Stages?

Essential tremor (ET) is the most common movement disorder, involving rhythmic trembling of the hands, head, or voice in over 90% of cases (other body parts can also be affected). When symptoms first appear, may patients fear that they have Parkinson’s disease, a serious degenerative disorder that moves through worsening stages as brain cells die […] CONTINUE

Essential Tremor

7 Approaches to Managing Bone Mets Pain

Patients who have advanced breast, prostate or lung cancer become especially worried that tumor cells will spread to the bone (bone metastasis, or simply bone mets). Pain from bone mets can range from mild to extremely severe. In addition to increased risk for painful fractures, bones are rich in nerves that transmit pain messages to […] CONTINUE

Bone mets

4 Ablation Approaches to Treat Painful Bone Metastasis

“These are the days of miracle and wonder…” sang Paul Simon in his song “The Boy in the Bubble.” When it comes to treating painful tumors that have spread to the bone from their primary location (breast, prostate, lung, etc.) the clinical world has entered a new age in medicine. Bone is the third most […] CONTINUE

Bone mets

Is Your Job a Pain in the Neck (or Lower Back)?

Back pain is one of the most common causes of workplace absences. On the other hand, many occupations actually foster back pain. On-the-job accidents can result in painful injuries to the neck area (cervical spine) or lower back (lumbar spine), but such cases are in the minority. More often, on-the-job back pain results from a […] CONTINUE

Facet Pain