Sperling Medical Group

Month: March 2018

Facet Pain

Landmark clinical study shows MRgFUS effective for bone mets pain.

A Landmark Study on Palliation of Bone Mets PainWhen a primary cancer such as cancer of the breast, prostate or lung spreads to the bone (bone mets), treatment strategies become complex. In today’s world of oncology, better systemic chemotherapies can add months and even years to a patient’s life; in addition, local cancer control of […] KEEP READING

Understanding cartilage increases awareness of its importance.

What You Should Know About CartilageOne of the most fascinating components of the human body is cartilage, an incredibly versatile material. Trying to describe cartilage is like the six blind men who try to figure out what an elephant is: “The elephant is like a pillar,” said the man who touched his leg. “Oh no! […] KEEP READING

Essential tremor gets worse in stressful situations.

How Stress Makes Essential Tremor WorseEssential tremor (ET) is the most common form of uncontrollable rhythmic shaking, though it is sometimes misdiagnosed as Parkinson’s disease. The involuntary trembling results from abnormal communication between certain areas of the brain (cerebellum, thalamus, and brain stem). It is estimated that 10 million Americans suffer from ET, though many […] KEEP READING

Bone Marrow: A Magnet for Spreading Cancer Cells

Marrow is a “metastatic niche” Prostate cancer (PCa) and breast cancer (BCa) have some key features in common: When found early and properly treated, survival rates for each are very high Prostate and breast tumors tend to be hormone dependent (androgens for prostate, estrogen for breast) If treatment of the local tumor fails, both cancers […] CONTINUE

Bone mets

Radium-223: A Molecular Smart Bomb for Prostate Cancer Bone Mets

Prostate cancer bone metastasis Roughly 11-12% of men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer (PCa) in their lifetime. Upwards of 20% of treated patients will eventually experience recurrence. One out of 41 PCa patients will die from the disease, since PCa has the ability to metastasize (spread) to distant organs and skeletal sites. In fact, […] CONTINUE

Bone mets

How Much is Your Lower Back Worth?

From a business standpoint, lower back pain costs a lot! It is the second most common cause of adult disability in the U.S., and estimates suggest that 149 million days of work per year are lost due to lower back pain.1 Some back-related absenteeism from work stems from on-the-job injuries. This leads to workers comp […] CONTINUE

Facet Pain

Don’t Miss This Video on MRgFUS for Facet Joint Pain!

If you enjoy movies, you probably have a favorite category. You may prefer drama, suspense, action, romance, comedy, or sci-fi. Some people really go for documentaries. However, for pure entertainment, there’s nothing like a 12-minute educational presentation! (Okay, I’m partly joking.) Seriously, though, some lecturers are better at capturing audience attention than others, even when […] CONTINUE

Facet Pain