Sperling Medical Group

Category: Facet Pain

Facet Pain

Landmark clinical study shows MRgFUS effective for bone mets pain.

A Landmark Study on Palliation of Bone Mets PainWhen a primary cancer such as cancer of the breast, prostate or lung spreads to the bone (bone mets), treatment strategies become complex. In today’s world of oncology, better systemic chemotherapies can add months and even years to a patient’s life; in addition, local cancer control of […] KEEP READING

Understanding cartilage increases awareness of its importance.

What You Should Know About CartilageOne of the most fascinating components of the human body is cartilage, an incredibly versatile material. Trying to describe cartilage is like the six blind men who try to figure out what an elephant is: “The elephant is like a pillar,” said the man who touched his leg. “Oh no! […] KEEP READING

Essential tremor gets worse in stressful situations.

How Stress Makes Essential Tremor WorseEssential tremor (ET) is the most common form of uncontrollable rhythmic shaking, though it is sometimes misdiagnosed as Parkinson’s disease. The involuntary trembling results from abnormal communication between certain areas of the brain (cerebellum, thalamus, and brain stem). It is estimated that 10 million Americans suffer from ET, though many […] KEEP READING

The evidence regarding facet joint injections is inconclusive.

Facet Joint Injection Benefits are Hard to Prove Those who live in developed nations enjoy many benefits that are easily taken for granted. There is enough food to go around, dwellings are climate-controlled, transportation and travel are expedited by conveyances capable of both speed and safety, technology brings efficiency and imagination to both work and […] CONTINUE

Facet Pain

MRgFUS avoids three invasive facet pain procedures.

Three Invasive Facet Pain Procedures You Can Avoid With MRgFUS When a patient is diagnosed with facet joint disease (osteoarthritis) it can be a relief to finally have an explanation for sporadic or chronic back pain. What is not relieved, however, is the pain itself. For that, the doctor generally begins with conservative treatments. This […] CONTINUE

Facet Pain

Radiofrequency denervation fails to deliver promised results.

Radiofrequency Denervation for Facet Pain Has Disappointing Results There are some things in life that sound good in theory, but in practice they turn out to be letdowns. On a macro scale, think of all the failed utopian experiments throughout history. On a micro scale, think of giving yourself permission to eat all the chocolate […] CONTINUE

Facet Pain

Back pain might be trying to tell you something.

3 Things Your Back Pain Is Trying to Tell You We often take our bodies for granted, especially when we are in good health and free from symptoms. It has been said that we live in a high-pressure world, but perhaps more importantly, we often place pressure and expectations on ourselves. When this happens, we […] CONTINUE

Facet Pain

Obesity and vascular disease are risk factors for facet pain.

2 Facet Pain Risk Factors You Can Prevent The great thing about getting older is that you don’t lose all the other ages you’ve been. Madeleine L’Engle There is scientific evidence that as the years go by, older people’s brains slow down and are less influenced by youthful brain chemistry that lends itself to powerful […] CONTINUE

Facet Pain

Gentle exercise can help reduce facet joint pain.

2 Good Exercises to Relieve Facet Joint Pain If you have back pain, when and how did it begin? Unless there was sudden onset due to an injury or accident, chances are it started a while ago as a small discomfort. So small, in fact, that it was easy to push through it – perhaps […] CONTINUE

Facet Pain

Once facet joint pain is identified, it can be treated with MRgFUS.

Facet Pain: Where it All Began and What Can Be Done About It There are so many varieties of back pain causes that they could fill a catalogue: injury from an accident or sudden movement, skeletal abnormalities, degeneration of bones or joints, compression of nerves, disk problems, etc. Nerves branches from the spinal cord can […] CONTINUE

Facet Pain